National Equine Forum 2023

I was honoured to be invited to the 2023 National Equine Forum, attended by some of the most esteemed members of the equine veterinary profession. In the introductory session, the ‘Equine Industry in a Changing World’, the Rt Eton Lord Benyon shared DEFRA’s progress on strengthening equine traceability, trade and biosecurity, and on mitigating changes to the industry, including the loss of 16% of British riding schools. This was echoed by David Mountford of the British Horse Council, who discussed how the UK’s equine industry can join forces and engage with government to combat major issues, such as ensuring welfare in transport and managing vaccine shortages.
Roly Owers of World Horse Welfare then discussed the decline in public acceptance of the equine sport, and how we can manage this. The findings of the National Equestrian Survey 2023, which tracks trends in horse ownership and riding, were then presented by Claire Williams of the British Equestrian Trade Association. These showed a decline the number of horses owned in Great Britain and lapses in riding trends, with cost being cited as the most common reason. James Hick of the British Horse Society then discussed the need address the workforce crisis in UK riding schools, and the need to provide practical business support and continually share the potential welfare benefits of the human-horse bond. Hope was then restored as Jane Holdsworth of Radway Equestrian and Julia Coles of Pony Magic delivered a talk on how it is possible to open a new riding school, even in the midst of a global pandemic!
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